The freeware version allows users to experience the ease-of-use as well as the advanced functionality of AllyCAD. As mentioned, it is a full working version of highly acclaimed AllyCAD Professional and is limited only in terms of its CAD drawing size (150 KB) - this limitation excludes hatching, bitmaps and images. AllyCAD Freeware is popular among users that have smaller drawing requirements and has further become increasingly popular among various academic institutions as a CAD student version. When it comes to compatibility, AllyCAD fully supports the reading and writing of AutoCAD's DWG format, DXF, Caddie CEX, Arcview SHP and ASCII files. This gives you the flexibility to move between drawings without having to worry about incompatibilities and data exchange problems. In addition to this, AllyCAD handles JPG, TIFF and BMP files and also supports TFW, LOG and HGR geo-referenced bitmaps.